Camera Reel

Wall to Wall

The song “Wall to Wall” by Chris Brown performed the talented dancers Vivian Vu, LaRaena Gonzales, and Annah Werkema and shot in a beautiful garage sprayed with graffiti in SE Portland.

SAGA: Dreams to Reality

Saga is a Asian owned street wear fashion brand based in Portland Oregon and its mission is to create fashion for anyone that is driven by passion and determined to make their dreams a reality.

WorkMoney: Tips to save at a grocery store

A web-series dedicated about teaching the American people about better handling finances.

History of CACO

We explore the origins of the Cambodian-American Community of Oregon and why it was founded and how.

CACO 25th Camping Anniversary

The Cambodian-American Community of Oregon has had annual camping retreat to celebrate and bring together Cambodians along the West Coast but all across the United States and even Canada to bond over Cambodian traditions, culture and food and this year was its big 25th anniversary.


An electrician finds himself in an impossibly distant, yet viscerally familiar space. The steady hum of diodes, the low buzzing of dials, cables, and conductors is an unwinding of the senses. He finds himself neither present or absent, here nor there; In a world of static.

Let’s Collaborate and Create!